Looking to show colleges that you’ve been really serious about learning Latin in high school? One of the best ways is to score well on the Latin SAT 2. Like most of the College Board’s language tests, the Latin SAT 2 is not an easy test. Simply having done well in Latin in high school is no guarantee of a good score.
So what is needed for a strong performance on the Latin SAT 2? Practice reading and translating Latin. The bulk of the test is translating works of Latin you’ve probably never seen before, with limited vocabulary to help you. The best way to prepare for the test is to familiarize yourself with reading at sight and with popular works by popular Latin authors, who are most likely to show up on the Latin SAT 2.
Even kids who have never needed a tutor in Latin will benefit greatly from a systematic course designed to target the skills tested on the Latin SAT 2. Personalized one-on-one feedback on translation techniques will make taking the test easier and less stressful. The same skills that help students succeed on the Latin SAT 2 will also be invaluable for those who wish to continue studying Latin at college.
Summer classes are forming soon!
The basic Latin SAT 2 class is three hours a week for eight weeks. Extra 90-minute long sight reading or test-question sessions are also available for an extra charge and subject to scheduling availability.
The prerequisite for the Latin SAT 2 class is at least three years of high school Latin. Students must be familiar with subjunctives, participles and cum-clauses.
Pricing depends on how many students wish to be in the same class:
Individual course – $1,200
Two or three students – $600 per student
Four or five students – $300 per student
Email or call (660) 956-0123 to join a course or for more information.